Spennende invitasjon fra den spanske ambassaden

Postet av Bærum Rideklubb den 13. Apr 2015

Vi har fått en særdeles spennende invitasjon fra den spanske ambassaden, så rydd plass førstkommende onsdag ettermiddag.

Invitasjonen er som følger:

The Spanish Tourism Office has the pleasure to invite you to an event that will take place at the Spanish Embassy on April 15th from 15h to 16h. Club Aros, an equestrian center located in Murcia, in the South-East part of Spain, is coming to present its offer that includes, among other things, courses for both children and adults.

Please, find attached the embassy invitation with all details about the event:

We look forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,

María José Sánchez Rojano

Spanias Ambassade Turistavdelingen

Oficina Española de Turismo en Oslo

Arbinsgate 2, 0253 Oslo


www.spain.info/no / www.tourspain.no


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